Viewing all posts for: Tasks
- 24 hour clock in Outlook Web App
- Additional snooze times in the Reminder window
- Associate Tasks with a Calendar Appointment or Meeting
- Better Task Management for Outlook Desktop Outlook and Mobile with Microsoft To Do
- Change default Due Date for Tasks
- Changing the sort order of the To-Do Bar sections
- Contact Linking
- Contacts and Calendar from iCloud missing or not synching after upgrading to Windows 10 or Outlook 2016
- Crash or no sound for Reminders window
- Create an Outlook Task for a Word document
- Daily Task List Planner
- Default template for Outlook items sent to OneNote
- Deleting Calendars from
- Display days left before task needs completion
- Don’t risk losing your Contacts and Calendar when using IMAP in Outlook 2013, 2016, 2019, or Office 365
- Empty Task List in To-Do Bar
- Flagged a message for Follow Up but I’m not getting a reminder
- Flagging emails and default reminder times
- Follow Up Flags and Reminders for IMAP accounts
- Formatting and attachments disabled for Notes section of Appointments, Contacts and Tasks
- Hide flagged items of other mailboxes in To-Do Bar
- Journal replacement options
- Mileage calculations from Tasks and Calendar
- Moving Tasks items in bulk to another Due Date
- No Date at bottom of To-Do List
- Outlook 2010 and remembering last used snooze time
- Outlook Notifications not showing in Action Center of Windows 10
- Outlook Today, meet Favorites, Peeks and the To-Do Bar
- Outlook, Windows RT and the Surface tablet
- Prevent changing a Task’s Due Date when changing the Start Date
- Print only items that belong to a specific Category
- Printing Calendar and Tasks as a delegate
- Public Folder Contacts and Calendars in Navigation Pane
- Quickly set dates with formulas and natural text
- Recurring Tasks don’t remind me again after the first occurrence
- Reminder to call a Contact
- Reminders keep popping up
- Reminders support for folders in archives and additional pst-files
- Removing Calendars from the Navigation Pane
- Schedule a recurring meeting X days before or after another recurring meeting
- Searching for or excluding items with empty fields
- Send files and report updates automatically
- Show next Reminder Time after using Snooze
- Showing icons in To-Do List
- Sort Outlook Today Tasks by subject
- Sorting additional Calendar and Contacts folders
- Sorting order options for the Reminders Window
- Switching between Calendar and Tasks folders in
- Sync Hotmail Tasks
- Tasks show up multiple times
- The Outlook To-Do Bar is too cluttered
- Time zone independent appointments and tasks
- Use OneNote to create linked Appointment Tasks