Outlook 2010 and remembering last used snooze time

When I set a snooze time for a reminder, the last snooze time is remembered for the next reminder that I get even when it is for another appointment, meeting or task.

So if I set a snooze time of 1 day for a reminder for a task and a reminder for my meeting for today goes off, the default snooze time will be set to 1 day as well instead of 5 minutes before start.

How can I set this behavior back to the way it was in Outlook 2007 and previous?

The bad news is; you cannot change this behavior.
The good news is that this behavior will be changed back again in SP1. Official word from the Outlook Team;

“For the issue with Snooze times unexpectedly carrying over across appointments the Outlook Team has heard your feedback and will be reverting the behavior back to that of Outlook 2007 in Office 2010 Service Pack 1.  Once the SP 1 release date has been determined it will be announced on the Sustained Engineering blog.”

Update: Service Pack 1 for Office 2010 has now been released.

Default behavior of snooze times

So this means that the behavior will now be again;

  • If a new reminder fires (so you have never snoozed it before) before the due time, the default snooze time will be that you will be reminded again 5 minutes before the starting time. 
  • If you have selected a custom snooze time from the list on a reminder (so not typed yourself in the list), the default snooze time for the next reminder will be that custom snooze time until you restart Outlook (then it will be “5 minutes” or “5 minutes before start” again).
  • For all other reminders, the default snooze time will be set to to be reminded again in 5 minutes.

Outlook Reminder dialog
As of Outlook 2010 SP1, selected snooze times will only affect the selected reminder again.

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