Adding an account to Outlook

I have an account and currently can access my email by using Outlook Mail via my browser.

How do I get my account in Outlook? supports various email protocols for connectivity and compatibility purposes but the recommended method of configuring it in Outlook is as an Exchange account.

These instructions also apply to other email addresses that are hosted by the platform such as;

  • @hotmail
  • @live
  • @msn
  • @passport

Auto Account Setup

Add Account buttonFor any version of Outlook, the recommended method to configure any account is to use the Auto Account Setup wizard. This wizard opens up automatically when you choose to add an account to Outlook.

This wizard doesn’t require you to specify any server details yourself.

The Add Account wizard in Outlook for Office 365, Outlook 2019 and Outlook 2016 also supports Two-Step Verification for accounts.

If you have Two-Step Verification enabled for your account and are using Outlook 2013 or previous or an msi-version of Outlook 2016, you’ll need to supply a special App Password instead of your regular password.

Configuring an account in Outlook via Auto Account Setup (click on image to enlarge)

When using Outlook for Office 365, Outlook 2019 or Outlook 2016, you’ll get an even simpler dialog and all you need to fill out is your email address;

The new Add Account dialog only requires your to fill out the email address of the account you want to add.
Don’t make it any harder for yourself than needed; Stay away from the Advanced options when you want to add an account. 

Once you've done that, Outlook will automatically find the server details and configuration settings for your account and you're done.

You can check as which type your account got configured by opening your Account Settings;

  • Outlook 2007
    Tools-> Account Settings…
  • Outlook 2010 and later
    File-> Account Settings-> Account Settings…

If this method fails to add your account as an Exchange account, see; Account Setup fails for accounts.

Extra tip!
Tip! buttonWhen you are using Outlook 2013 or later, you can double click on your account in Account Settings to configure how many days, weeks or months worth of data will be cached on your local computer to save some hard disk space.

Of course there is also an option to cache your entire mailbox on your local computer. Cached mailbox data will make Outlook respond quicker and will be available to you even when you are Offline.

Manual Configuration: Exchange ActiveSync (EAS)

Exchange ActiveSync (EAS) buttonAn account can’t be configured over the Exchange ActiveSync (EAS) protocol in Outlook. The EAS protocol is intended to be used by the Mail app on smartphones and tablets or the Mail app in Windows 10.

In most cases, these apps can automatically configure accounts. When this fails, then you can select the option to configure your account manually.

The Server Settings form is usually quite easy to fill out with stuff that you know; name, email address and password (or App Password in case you have Two-Step Verification enabled). The only thing that might be daunting is the field for the mail server. Here you need to fill the following;


If this form also contains a separate “Domain” field, leave this blank.

Extra Tip! The Outlook app for iOS and Android do not require you to fill out any server details and also offer support for Two-Step Verification so you don’t need to use an App Password.

Manual Configuration: IMAP

IMAP Account buttonWhen you have a special requirement to use an IMAP account type instead, you must use the manual configuration method. The server details to fill out are;

  • Incoming mail server:
  • Outgoing mail server:

Then click on the More Settings… button to adjust the following settings;

  • Outgoing Server
    • enable: My outgoing server (SMTP) requires authentication
  • Advanced
    • Incoming server (IMAP): 993
    • Use the following type of encrypted connection: TLS
    • Outgoing server (SMTP): 587
    • Use the following type of encrypted connection: STARTTLS

Note: When you have Two-Step Verification enabled for your account, you must use a special App Password instead of your regular password.

Manual Configuration: POP3

POP3 Account buttonWhen you have a special requirement to use a POP3 account type instead, you must first verify that POP3 access has been enabled for your account and then use the manual configuration method in Outlook.

Step 1: Enable POP3 access for your account

  1. Logon to and press the Gear icon in the top-right corner (left from your display picture)
  2. At the bottom click: View all Outlook settings.
  3. Verify that the Mail section is selected on the left and choose: Sync email.
  4. Scroll down to the POP and IMAP section.
  5. For “Let devices and apps use POP” select: Yes
  6. Optionally: Select whether devices and apps may delete the messages from once they have downloaded it from the server.
  7. Press the Save button.

Enabling POP3 access for your account.
Enabling POP3 access for your account.

Step 2: Configure the account in Outlook as POP3

The server details to fill out in Outlook are;

  • Incoming mail server:
  • Outgoing mail server:

Then click on the More Settings… button to adjust the following settings;

  • Outgoing Server
    • enable: My outgoing server (SMTP) requires authentication
  • Advanced
    • Incoming server (POP3): 995
    • Use the following type of encrypted connection: TLS
    • Outgoing server (SMTP): 587
    • Use the following type of encrypted connection: STARTTLS

Note: When you have Two-Step Verification enabled for your account, you must use a special App Password instead of your regular password.