Printing a day with appointments after midnight on a single page

This tip to print late evening appointments almost matches my requirement. However, in my case I'm hosting a Halloween party (and soon a New Year’s party as well) with a schedule that also passes midnight.

Is there a way to print such a schedule on a single page too?

Print Calendar buttonUnfortunately, Outlook doesn't really excel at printing such "broken-day" schedules and stubbornly wants you to print 2 consecutive days.

We can however force Outlook to print these 2 days on a single sheet of paper.

Sheet Booklet printing

To force Outlook to print 2 days on a single page, you can use the 1/2 Sheet Booklet page size.

  1. Select the Daily Style.
  2. Click on the Print Options button.
  3. Set the Print Range dates from the starting day until the next day.

    Setting the Print Range to 2 consecutive days in Outlook.

  4. Click on the Page Setup… button.
  5. Set your timespan from 12AM to 12AM or from 0:00 to 0:00.

    Adjusting the timespan to print from midnight to midnight.

  6. Optionally: Set the Tasks dropdown list to: No Tasks.
  7. Optionally: Disable the Include selections for "Notes area (blank)" and "Notes area (lined)".
  8. Select the Page tab.
  9. Set the Page Size to: 1/2 sheet booklet.

    Print 2 days on a single page via the 1/2 sheet booklet Page Size.

  10. Verify that the Orientation is set to Portrait.
  11. Press OK and then Preview to return to the Print screen.
  12. Print your page.