Next and Previous links in email

Is there a way to turn off the Next and Previous links that occur in an email thread in Outlook 2007/2010?
(i.e. when multiple people have replied or forwarded the message, how it lets you jump between messages)

That is a new option in Outlook 2007 and also exists in Outlook 2010. This option is linked to message header shading.

To toggle it on/off go to;

  • Outlook 2007 
    Tools-> Options…-> E-mail Options…-> Shade message headers when reading mail
  • Outlook 2010
    File-> section Options-> section Mail-> option group Other (at the bottom)-> Shade message headers when reading messages

Next and Previous in message header
For the top message, the option shows First and Previous.
For the bottom message, the option shows Next and Last.

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