Exporting or backing up my complete Calendar as an ics-file

I used to be able to export my Calendar as an ics-file but now when I start the Import and Export Wizard, I only see an option to export it as a csv-file or pst-file.

I’d really prefer using the ics-file format as it is much easier to use as a backup or for other people to import so they can see my availability.

How can I save my Calendar as an ics-file again?

Save Calendar buttonThe option to export your Calendar as an ics-file in not available within the Import and Export Wizard as you can directly save your Calendar folder as an ics-file.

To do this, select your Calendar folder and use;

  • File-> Save Calendar

More Options and Full Backup

By default, you’ll only export your availability of the current day. However, you can choose what gets stored within the ics-file by using the More Options… button.

The “Save Calendar” dialog holds various options to control what gets included in the ics-file.
The “Save Calendar” dialog holds various options to control what gets included in the ics-file.

Date Range

  • Today
  • Tomorrow
  • Next 7 days
  • Next 30 days
  • Whole calendar
  • Specify dates…


  • Availability only
  • Limited details
  • Full details


  • Include details of items marked private
    (requires “Limited details” or “Full details”)
  • Include attachments within calendar items
    (requires “Full details”)

Calendar Save As ics-file - Whole Calendar - Full details - Include details of items marked private - Include attachments within calendar items
With the Save As settings as shown above, you can create a full backup of your Calendar in the ics-format which can also be imported by other Calendar applications.

Note: When you backup the pst-file of your mailbox, there is no need to separately backup your Calendar folder as an ics-file.