Create shortcuts to files and folders on C:\-drive, other disks, Network Shares or Cloud Storage

In the bottom left corner of the Navigation Pane, I see buttons for Mail, Calendar, Contact, etc… and also one called Shortcuts. In it, there is already a shortcut for Microsoft Office Online.

I am having trouble to find a way to add anything else besides Outlook folders. For instance; A link to my templates folder or a specific template file (oft-file) and a Internet link to my mailbox’ web access.

How can I add shortcuts to files and folders on my hard disk and Internet links in the Shortcuts Navigation?

Sadly, the method how to add shortcuts to files and folders in the Shortcuts Navigation isn't really exposed. Luckily the solution is really easy though (once you know it ;-) ).

Add links via drag & drop

Drag & Drop buttonFirst, make sure you have at least one group configured in the Shortcuts Navigation. Then open File Explorer and browse to the folder or file you want to add a shortcut to.

Now drag and drop this folder or file from File Explorer onto the correct group name (on the name, not in the list of shortcuts itself) in the Shortcuts Navigation in Outlook. The shortcut will now be automatically created.

Once the shortcut has been added, you freely sort it within the list via drag & drop as well.

Adding a link to the Shortcuts Navigation via drag & drop from File Explorer.
When doing it correctly, your cursor will change to indicate that the link will be created.

Extra tip: To quickly select the Shortcuts Navigation in Outlook use CTRL+7. To get back to the Mail Navigation, use CTRL+1.

Internet shortcuts

Internet buttonTo insert links to a webpage, you must first create a shortcut to it. To do this, right click on an empty space on your Desktop and choose;

  • New-> Shortcut

Enter the URL and name for the shortcut and save the shortcut. You can now drag and drop it like any other file as described above.

You can right click on the shortcut and choose “Rename Shortcut” to change the display name from a URL into a more meaningful name.

Once added, you can delete the Internet Shortcut from your Desktop.

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