Creating a Search Folder for actionable items

I'm looking for a way to create a Search Folder for "actionable items". To me, actionable items are messages which are either unread or marked for follow up.

When trying to configure a Search Folder for this, it seems I can only create one for items which are both unread AND marked for follow up rather than OR.

Is it possible to create a Search Folder with such OR criteria for the flagged and read status of a message?

Button Search Folder Actionable ItemsCreating Search Folders with OR criteria is possible when you enable the Query Builder via the Registry.

However, there is still a second difficulty in this case which is that the read status of a message isn't exposed as a selectable field in the Field Chooser. This issue can be overcome by typing in the criteria manually.

Step-by-step procedure

The complete step-by-step procedure to create the "Actionable Items" Search Folder would then be;

  1. Enable the Query Builder for Outlook.
  2. Create a new Search Folder (keyboard shortcut CTRL+SHIFT+P).
  3. Select: Create a custom Search Folder.
  4. Press: Choose…
  5. Name the Search Folder. For instance: Actionable Items
  6. Press the Browse… button and select which folders should be included and whether or not subfolder should be included as well.
  7. Press the Criteria… button.
  8. Select the Query Builder tab.
  9. Type the following criteria:
    • Field: Read
    • Condition: equals
    • Value: No
  10. Press: Add to List
  11. Type the following criteria:
    • Field: Flag Status
    • Condition: equals
    • Value: Followup Flag
  12. Press: Add to List
  13. Select: AND
  14. From the "Logical Group" dropdown list select: OR

The Query Builder allows you to create Search Folders with OR criteria.
The Query Builder allows you to create Search Folders with OR criteria.

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