View Color categories in Outlook 2003

We have some computers with Outlook 2003 and Outlook 2007 or later.

When we use colored flags in 2003 we can see the corresponding color category in 2007, but when we select a color category in 2007 we cannot view the color in 2003.

Is there something we are missing or another method where both 2003 and 2007 can use the same color coding methods either using colored flags or colored categories?

Categorize buttonOutlook 2003 Colored Flags were migrated to Color Categories in Outlook 2007.

There is no link in how Color Categories in Outlook 2007 or later are downgraded to Color Flags in Outlook 2003. This would be impossible as well considering the fact that there are many more colors to choose from in Outlook 2007 than in Outlook 2003.

However, the Categories assigned in Outlook 2007 are still assigned in Outlook 2003; they are just missing a color.

You can define an Automatic Formatting rule in your view in Outlook 2003 to color the header text based in the message list based on which category is assigned.

  1. View-> Arrange By-> Custom...-> Automatic Formatting...
  2. Press Add.
  3. Name the rule.
  4. Press Font... to select a font and other font properties.
  5. Press Condition...
  6. Select the More Choices tab.
  7. Press the Categories... button to select one or more categories that you want to show up in that font setting.
  8. Press OK.
  9. Move the rule if needed (the last rule that applies wins when there are font conflicting settings).
  10. Create additional rules for other colors if needed.

For more about about Automatic Formatting and color coding your emails see this guide.

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