Associate Tasks with a Calendar Appointment or Meeting

Is there a way to create a Task within a Calendar Appointment or Meeting item?

For instance; I'd like to create a finance meeting in my Calendar folder but I need to track and complete 4 individual tasks that will prepare me for the meeting.

Link Appointment or Meetings with Tasks buttonIt is not possible to directly create a Task item within a Calendar Appointment or Meeting item. However, you can create all the items separately first and then open the Appointment or Meeting item and create links to the Task items instead.

Insert Outlook Item

To create links to other Outlook items, open the appointment or meeting from your Calendar via a double click and choose;

  1. Insert-> Outlook Item
  2. From the folder list at the top, select the Tasks folder
  3. From the item list as the bottom, select the Tasks that you wish to associate with the appointment or meeting
  4. Select the option; Insert as: Shortcut
  5. Click OK to return to your opened appointment or meeting form. Shortcuts to the Tasks will now show up in the body.

Insert shortcuts to Outlook Tasks via Insert-> Outlook Item (click on image to enlarge)   Shortcuts to Outlook Tasks in an Appointment/Meeting can be inserted via Insert-> Outlook Item (click on image to enlarge)
You can include Tasks for an appointment or meeting via Insert Outlook Item. (click on image to enlarge)

Extra Tip 1: By holding the CTRL or SHIFT button while clicking on a Task item, you can select multiple Tasks at once.

Extra Tip 2: Do you use OneNote? Then you can also link your Appointments or Meetings together with its Tasks in a different way. Tasks are then also automatically linked back to the Appointment or Meeting item. See: Use OneNote to create linked Appointment Tasks

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