Export or print the folder list

How can I export or print a list of all my folder names in Outlook?

Folder List buttonOutlook doesn’t offer a feature for this but you can achieve this by using a custom export script.

  1. Download this code-file
  2. Open or extract the zip-file and double click on exportoutlookfolders.vbs
  3. Select the mailbox or folder you want to export the folder names of.
  4. Select whether you want to structure the output or not.
  5. Within a few seconds the file outlookfolders.txt will appear on your Desktop containing the exported folder names.

Note 1: The download also contains code to run the script as an Outlook macro. For more details about this option see; Export folder names to a file

Note 2: This method can also be used to search for a folder name in Outlook. Just open the exported txt-file in Notepad and use the search function within Notepad to find the path to it.

Unstructured output of Outlook's folder list
Unstructured output.

Structured output of Outlook's folder list
Structured output.

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