RSS folder structure sync with Internet Explorer

When browsing the Internet and coming across a website that I like, I often subscribe to their RSS feed via Internet Explorer and then it will automatically go into Outlook.

This works great. However, in Internet Explorer, I've grouped my RSS feeds based on their topic but in Outlook this just shows up as a long list and I'd have to sort it again.

Is there any way that I can have Outlook mimic the folder structure that I created via Internet Explorer?

This is possible but there are 3 conditions to it;

  1. Make sure Outlook 2007 is up-to-date or use Outlook 2010.
  2. Have Outlook configured to sync with the Common Feed List.
  3. Be willing to make changes in the registry.

After updating Outlook and verifying that the option is enabled, the following Registry setting needs to be configured;

Key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\<version>\Outlook\Options
Value name: EnableSyncToSysCFLHierarchy
Value type: REG_DWORD
Value: 1

When this key is set to 0 or missing, it will not recreate the folder hierarchy of RSS feeds in Internet Explorer into Outlook.
When this key is set to 1, Outlook will mimic the folder hierarchy of RSS feeds of Internet Explorer in Outlook via the Common Feed List.

Note: Any changes you make to the folder hierarchy in Outlook will not reflect back to Internet Explorer or within the Common Feed List.

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