Archive.pst has reached its maximum size

Upon archiving, I got the following message:

Error while archiving folder “[folder name]” in store "Personal Folders".
The file [path]\archive.pst has reached its maximum size. To reduce the amount of data in this file, select some items that you no longer need, and then permanently delete them by pressing SHIFT+DELETE. You could also consider using the new Outlook Personal Folders file (.pst) introduced with Outlook 2003 that provides greater capacity for storing items and folders.

How do I use the "new Outlook Personal Folders file (.pst)" to increase archive size?

Button Archive PSTTo create an archive in the new (Unicode) format requires you to disconnect and rename your current archive file.

  1. Open Data File Management:
    • Outlook 2007
      File-> Data File Management...
    • Outlook 2010 /  2013 /  2016 / 2019 / Office 365
      File-> Account Settings-> Account Settings…-> tab Data Files
  2. Take note of its current location or select the file and click “Open File Location” to open its location in Explorer (simplifies step 5). 
  3. Still in Outlook, select the file and press the Remove button.
  4. Close the open dialog and close Outlook.
  5. Browse to the location of archive.pst and rename it to for instance: archive2018.pst

The next time that AutoArchive runs, it will automatically create a new archive.pst file but this time in the new Unicode format.

You can reconnect your original archive (archive2018.pst) to Outlook via;

  • File-> Open & Export-> Open Outlook Data File…

Note: If you want, you can consolidate the archive2018.pst archive with the newly created one as described in: Merge archive files or other pst-files.