Always Pop Out: Disabling Reading Pane Reply

When I hit reply to an email, my response email stays within the preview pane until I select Pop Out.

I would like to disable that so that when I hit reply, it automatically opens a new window. I searched all over and could not find it.

Is there a way to disable it?

Pop Out Message in Outlook 2013 and Outlook 2016 buttonThis is one of those options you really can search forever for if you are not really sure what you are looking for. The fact that the option itself doesn’t hold a reference to “Pop Out” as well, doesn’t exactly help either.

To stop Outlook from using the Reading Pane when replying or forwarding a message, enable the following option:

  • File-> Options-> Mail-> section: Replies and forwards-> option: Open replies and forwards in a new window

Open replies and forwards in a new window - Outlook 2013

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